Mind-Body Therapies Support Recovery from Opiate Addiction 

Written By: Dr. Beata Lewis

a person holding their back in pain

As a seasoned psychologist operating at Mind Body Seven, a reputable center for integrative psychiatry and mental health, I'm intimately familiar with the extensive damage brought about by the opioid crisis. This is a complex issue that eludes simple solutions. However, amidst this somber landscape, a hopeful beacon has emerged in the form of mind-body therapies. These therapies, backed by a burgeoning body of persuasive evidence, may be our pivotal allies in confronting the opioid crisis.

Demystifying Mind-Body Therapies: A New Collaborator in Pain Management

Mind-body therapies constitute a diverse array of practices, such as meditation, yoga, and biofeedback. These practices are gaining increasing acknowledgment for their effectiveness in pain management.

Yoga, through its amalgamation of deliberate movements and concentrated breathing, offers a gentle physical activity that strengthens the body, augments flexibility, and modulates pain perception. Meditation, conversely, capitalizes on its ability to calm the mind, alleviate stress, and alter the perception of pain, making it more manageable.

Biofeedback, a crucial facet of mind-body therapies, employs electronic sensors to track diverse body functions like heart rate, skin temperature, blood pressure, muscle tension, and brain waves. By understanding and gaining control over these physiological responses, patients can manage their pain without solely relying on medication.

A Deeper Probe: Scientific Evidence Supporting the Effectiveness of Mind-Body Therapies

Research corroborates the effectiveness of mind-body therapies in managing chronic pain and lessening dependence on opioids. A study in the Journal of General Internal Medicine revealed that yoga and meditation can indeed mitigate chronic pain symptoms and reduce reliance on opioids (Garland et al., 2017).

The opioid crisis, fueled by over-prescription and misuse of painkillers, highlights the pressing necessity for non-pharmacological pain management strategies. Mind-body therapies, emphasizing the harnessing of the body's inherent healing capabilities, offer a promising pathway. It's imperative, however, to remember that these therapies are not a replacement for medical treatment. They are complementary approaches that can be employed alongside traditional methods, facilitating a more holistic approach to pain management.

Tackling the Psychological Aspect: Mind-Body Therapies and Mental Health

Beyond physical pain management, mind-body therapies can also tackle the psychological elements often linked with chronic pain, such as anxiety and depression. By promoting relaxation and improving mental well-being, these therapies can significantly enhance the overall quality of life for individuals struggling with chronic pain.

Empowerment via Mind-Body Therapies: A Patient-Centric Approach

Mind-body therapies promote a patient-centric approach, customizing interventions to individual needs and capabilities. They empower patients by offering them an active role in their pain management and recovery process. This sense of empowerment can be particularly beneficial for those recovering from opioid addiction, helping to counteract feelings of helplessness and hopelessness that often accompany this arduous journey.

The Multidimensional Advantages of Mind-Body Therapies

One of the unique strengths of mind-body therapies is their multidimensional impact. These practices not only help alleviate physical pain but also significantly influence mental health, offering a holistic approach to recovery.

For example, meditation and mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques have been found to substantially reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, which often coexist with chronic pain conditions (Hofmann, Sawyer, Witt, & Oh, 2010). The tranquilizing effect of these practices can assist patients in managing the emotional upheaval that often accompanies chronic pain, offering a sense of peace and stability amid adversity.

Mind-Body Therapies: A Pathway to Self-Understanding and Self-Healing

Mind-body therapies can also facilitate self-discovery. They offer a platform for patients to gain a deeper understanding of their bodies and minds, fostering a sense of self-compassion and acceptance. This self-understanding can encourage healthier coping strategies and lifestyle choices, enhancing overall well-being and recovery.

Additionally, mind-body therapies can stimulate the body's natural healing processes. For instance, yoga and meditation have been shown to reduce inflammation and bolster immune function, potentially offsetting the detrimental health effects of chronic stress and pain (Bower & Irwin, 2016).

The Way Forward: Promoting Mind-Body Therapies

As the effectiveness of mind-body therapies becomes increasingly apparent, it's vital to advocate for their incorporation into mainstream healthcare settings. This might include offering yoga classes in hospitals, integrating mindfulness training into pain management programs, and providing biofeedback therapy as a standard part of treatment for chronic pain conditions.

Healthcare providers and policymakers must acknowledge the potential of mind-body therapies in addressing the opioid crisis and strive to make these services accessible to all those in need. This could also involve advocating for insurance coverage for these therapies, eliminating financial obstacles to their utilization.


In the face of the opioid crisis, mind-body therapies offer renewed hope. While they are not a cure-all, they provide a valuable tool in our battle against this crisis. By reducing pain, improving mental health, and empowering patients, these therapies can significantly improve the lives of those affected by chronic pain and opioid misuse.

The path ahead is undoubtedly challenging, but with a holistic, patient-centered approach, we can make strides toward a healthier future. Mind-body therapies, with their focus on harnessing the innate healing abilities of the body and mind, are an essential part of this journey.

Mind Body Seven clinicians offer treatment in Brooklyn and via teletherapy for adolescents and adults. If have not worked with us and want to get started please contact us here, so we can set you up with the clinicians that best suit your individual needs. If you are an existing patient get in touch with us here to set up your next appointment.


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