Expanding the Horizons of Mental Health Treatment: The Efficacy, Risks, and Limitations of Ketamine Treatment

Written By: Ilya Bernstein, Anne Gallenstein, Dr. Beata Lewis


An Examination of Ketamine-Assisted Therapy for Therapeutic Decisions

In our prior posts,  we discussed ketamine and ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP), their applications, and their potential benefits. In the fifth part of our series, we turn our attention to the effectiveness, and risks of ketamine for mental health. 


As clinicians at Mind Body Seven, our use of ketamine is rooted in a wealth of scientific literature demonstrating its efficacy in addressing mental health conditions. Ketamine has shown excellent results in managing treatment-resistant depression (TRD) (Murrough et al., 2013). Emerging research also demonstrates a role for ketamine in addressing anxiety disorders, PTSD, and OCD (Feifel, 2018). The combination of ketamine with psychotherapy in KAP offers a multifaceted approach to mental health, addressing both the biological and psychological aspects of these conditions. This can result in a stronger and longer-lasting improvement in mental well-being (Dore et al., 2019).


As with any medication, it's important to acknowledge the potential for risks and side effects. Some recipients may experience dizziness, anxiety, blurred vision, nausea, or feelings of detachment from the body or surroundings. Generally, these effects are transient, disappearing within a few hours of treatment. 

At Mind Body Seven we offer ketamine treatment sessions in our office which allows a licensed clinician such as a psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse practitioner to be with you for the entire duration of your treatment.  If you encounter any of these effects, your clinician will be at your side, to help. Often, the best way to address these effects during ketamine treatment is to simply check in with your clinician and ask for reassurance. 

It would be irresponsible to not mention that there is a potential for ketamine misuse, due to its relaxing and euphoric effects. This is why we only administer the medication in a clinical environment and with the oversight of trained professionals, maximizing the safety and minimizing the risk of addiction or misuse. 


While ketamine has shown very positive outcomes for several mental health conditions, it is not a panacea. Some individuals may not respond to ketamine treatment or may need additional therapies for optimal mental health outcomes. Finally, our understanding of the long-term safety and efficacy of ketamine and KAP is young, and most research to date has focused on short-term outcomes.


Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP)  is a promising frontier in mental health treatment, particularly for those who don’t respond to traditional therapies. Although it has shown to be very effective for several mental health conditions, it's important to understand the potential risks and limitations accompanying ketamine treatment. A comprehensive understanding of this treatment empowers individuals to make informed decisions about whether KAP aligns with their therapeutic needs.

In our final discussion of this series, we will demystify the process of a ketamine treatment and ketamine-assisted psychotherapy session, from the initial assessment to the integration of experiences. Stay tuned as we continue exploring the potential of ketamine at Mind Body Seven.

Upcoming Blog in This Series

Part 6: A Guide to Ketamine-Assisted Therapy Sessions

Here at Mind Body Seven, our commitment is towards delivering compassionate, evidence-based care, and sharing our insights and expertise with those embarking on their journey towards healing. Join us as we continue to probe the realm of ketamine treatment in this informational blog series.

Mind Body Seven clinicians offer treatment in Brooklyn and via teletherapy for adolescents and adults. If have not worked with us and want to get started please contact us here, so we can set you up with the clinicians that best suit your individual needs. If you are an existing patient get in touch with us here to set up your next appointment.


A Guide to Ketamine Treatment and Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy  (KAP) Sessions: From Initial Assessment to Integration


The Benefits of Ketamine: Rapid Symptom Relief and Lasting Change