Separating Fact From Fiction: Debunking 7 More Ketamine Myths

Written By: Ilya Bernstein & Anne Gallenstein

a magnifying glass on a keyboard

As mental health professionals, our practice is centered around guiding individuals through the labyrinth of life, and dispelling the myths and uncertainties that often cast shadows on our path to understanding. Ketamine, a potent therapeutic tool, has gained increasing prominence in the realm of mental health treatment. Yet, it is often obscured by a veil of misconceptions and misinterpretations. 

This article aims to address all the ketamine myths we couldn’t fit into the previous article, so we’ll address seven more prevalent misconceptions surrounding ketamine in the hopes of further shedding light on the matter.

Myth 1: Ketamine Therapy – Incompatible with SSRIs

Truth: It is generally advised to avoid the combination of classical psychedelics and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) due to the risk of adverse interactions. However, this concern does not extend to ketamine, which operates on different neural pathways, primarily the NMDA receptors via the glutamate system. Consequently, it typically does not pose a negative interactive potential when combined with SSRIs. Individuals on antidepressant medications may consider ketamine therapy, provided their health history is reviewed and approved by a clinician.

Myth 2: Ketamine – A Selective Treatment

Truth: There is a prevalent belief that ketamine therapy is solely effective for specific conditions or populations, such as treatment-resistant depression or veterans with PTSD. However, it is essential not to dismiss the potential benefits of ketamine therapy based on such suppositions. Individuals from a diverse range of backgrounds, health histories, and socio-economic statuses have reported relief through ketamine therapy. If you are contemplating ketamine treatment, it would be prudent to consult with a healthcare professional to ascertain whether it may be suitable for you.

Myth 3: Ketamine – A Perilous Medication

Truth: When administered within a clinical context and supervised by trained professionals, ketamine is deemed a safe and well-tolerated medication. Its long history of use in anesthesia and mental health treatment attests to its safety profile. The perception of ketamine as a dangerous medication likely arises from its illicit use and potential for abuse. However, this view does not accurately depict the reality of controlled, therapeutic ketamine administration.

Myth 4: Ketamine and Brain Damage – A Destructive Connection

Truth: Current research does not support the notion that ketamine incurs brain damage when responsibly used in a clinical setting. In fact, emerging studies suggest that ketamine may enhance neuroplasticity and facilitate the growth of new neural connections, potentially improving mental health. While excessive recreational use of ketamine might lead to undesirable consequences, controlled therapeutic use is an entirely different scenario.

Myth 5: Ketamine – An Exclusive Intravenous Treatment

Truth: Intravenous (IV) ketamine infusion is one mode of administration, but it is not the sole option. Other forms of ketamine therapy, such as intramuscular injections and sublingual lozenges, have also proven effective in treating mental health conditions. A consultation with a healthcare professional can help determine the most suitable method of administration based on individual needs and circumstances.

Myth 6: The Fleeting Antidepressant Effects of Ketamine

Truth: While the immediate antidepressant effects of ketamine can be transient, the therapeutic potential of ketamine therapy extends beyond these initial effects. With proper preparation, integration, and ongoing mental health care, patients can experience lasting improvements in mood and overall well-being. Ketamine therapy should be viewed as one component of a comprehensive mental health treatment plan rather than a standalone solution.

Myth 7: Ketamine's Enduring Impact – The Dissociative Delusion

Truth: Although ketamine can provoke dissociative experiences during treatment, these effects are typically short-lived and dissipate once the medication wears off. In a clinical setting, patients are prepared for and guided through any dissociative experiences they may have, ensuring a safe and manageable journey. While some individuals may have lingering effects post-treatment, this is an exception rather than a norm. The majority of patients return to their normal state of consciousness and daily functioning within hours of completing a ketamine therapy session.

Bonus Myth: Ketamine’s Ineffectiveness for Anxiety Disorders – The Anxiety Aversion

Truth: Ketamine has demonstrated potential as a treatment for various mental health conditions, including anxiety disorders. Numerous clinical studies have attested to ketamine's efficacy in reducing anxiety symptoms and enhancing the overall quality of life. Although further research is warranted to comprehensively understand its mechanisms of action and ideal treatment protocols, ketamine therapy has emerged as a potential treatment alternative for those suffering from anxiety disorders. As with any treatment, it is vital to consult with a healthcare professional to determine if ketamine therapy is suitable for your specific needs and circumstances.

In my role as a therapist at Mind Body Seven, I am committed to providing accurate information and comprehensive care for those seeking to enhance their mental health. By debunking these prevalent ketamine myths, I aim to shed light on the reality of this potent treatment option, enabling individuals to make informed decisions about their mental health journey. With the right guidance and support, ketamine therapy has the potential to revolutionize lives and illuminate the darkest recesses of human experience.

Mind Body Seven clinicians offer treatment in Brooklyn and via teletherapy for adolescents and adults. If have not worked with us and want to get started please contact us here, so we can set you up with the clinicians that best suit your individual needs. If you are an existing patient get in touch with us here to set up your next appointment.


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Separating Fact From Fiction: Debunking 7 Major Ketamine Myths